The Democrat party tries to figure it out
And gets it just slightly wrong
WASHINGTON - Reeling from their party's loss in the presidential
election, some key Democratic financiers and strategists say they have
learned a clear lesson: Next time around, no Northeasterners need apply.
I say:
Joe Lieberman is from Connecticutt. And he could have beaten Bush.
Dick Harpootlian, former chairman of the South Carolina Democratic
Party, was more blunt. "As of now, Hillary Clinton's a bad idea," he
The standard-bearer should be a face from the South or the Midwest, he
added, naming Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, this year's vice
presidential nominee, or Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana as presidential
I say:
John Edwards? The metrosexual ambulance chaser? Just how well did
he do in North Carolina this year?
"Do we see a pattern here? No L.A., no Cambridge, no Manhattan,"
said Harpootlian, who remains a key party strategist in South Carolina.
"The majority of America isn't from those areas, and they don't hold
the values of these folks."
I say:
True enough. But Edwards?
Still, many Democratic strategists began thinking about how to
refocus the party's message - including looking for ways to marry the
Democrats' traditional belief in an active government with the
culturally conservative views that predominate among many Southern and
heartland voters.
I say:
A free clue for the clueless: distrust of overlarge government is
one of these conservative views. Unless it's going to a war effort
against an implacable foe, conservatives are not going to support any
more government taxing and spending.
When I have a few moments, I'll put together a piece on what the Democrat
party needs to do to recover and go forward. For now, a summary: first,
fire Terry McAuliffe. Second, disentagle from the squishy left. Third,
get a vision.
You don't woo middle America like you woo all these special interest
groups of the disgruntled. They're too grown up for that. What you
have to do is show yourselves worthy of their patronage, and then wait
for them to come your way. It's about credibility, not salesmanship.
You have to get real.
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