Unapologetically bourgeois. Proudly intolerant of idiocy.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The case against amnesty for illegal aliens

In a phrase: respect for the law.

If we don't respect our own laws, neither will anyone else. Weakness invites attack. Lack of self respect is a weakness. The attack it invites is exploitation.

Right now Mexico is exploiting us. They can't or won't fix their own dysfunctional society. They won't reform their own not-quite-democracy. Why not? Because it's easier to export their discontent to the US. That's what Aztlan is really all about.

What's to be done? A wall may help a bit, but it will never be enough. I adamantly oppose a wall if it's used as a substitute for addressing the real issues here.

An amnesty in any form is simply a capitulation. No amnesty. Congress and the President are trying to slip an amnesty past us. Bush is a lame duck, but we can vote out any bastard in the House or Senate that votes for an amnesty.

Follow the money. The illegals are coming in because employers are inviting them in, and smugglers are smuggling them in. Put these people in jail. All of them. That's much simpler than putting the aliens in jail, and I think much more effective. Why is hardly anyone emphasizing this angle? Are we this easily distracted?

The mass demonstrations are organized by a Communist front, out to undermine our democracy by any means possible. Jean Francois Revel would have had a lot to say about this. As long as they stay within the law, we can't stop them without violating our own laws. But we can sure as hell get the word out. And we can follow them closely - on grounds of reasonable suspicion - to catch them when they cross the line. And... oh, didn't they encourage truancy a while back?

And by the way, let's encourage legal immigration, and immigration by those fleeing political oppression. Why turn back the Cuban boat people? If they're suspect, can't we set up some sort of processing center for them to check them out? We turn back people who want to be Americans and offer amnesty to those who see America as something to be used. That's backwards. America should be for Americans - and for those who want to become Americans. ("We are America?" No, you're not. You're Mexica, and you're the sad remnants of a toppled empire. Now get lost.)

And no more "bilingual education." Let's declare English the official language of this country. Multiple languages are divisive. A minority language is a virtual ghetto. A common language is what we need to communicate with other and function as a society. The only bilingual education we allow should be English lessons. Plus civics.

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... tacitus.org

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

International ANSWER behind illegal immigrant protests

They're back!


The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition provided logistical support and mobilized for today's demonstration in Los Angeles. Thousands of A.N.S.W.E.R.'s yellow and black placards reading "Amnist?a, Full Rights for All Immigrants" were held throughout the march. A.N.S.W.E.R. also organized a major contingent in the march.

The rally was co-chaired by Juan Jose Gutierrez, Director of Latino Movement USA, a member of the A.N.S.W.E.R. LA Steering Committee; Javier Rodriguez, a noted immigrant rights activist; and Jesse D?az, a UC-Riverside professor who helped initiate the march. Speakers included Raul Murillo and Gloria Saucedo of Hermandad Mexicana Nacional; Arturo Rodriguez, President of the United Farm Workers; Korean and Haitian community leaders; and Gloria La Riva and Preston Wood of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition.

And just who are International ANSWER?


Both UFPJ and ANSWER have been criticized by some activists as top-down and insufficiently democratic. But concerns are growing over ANSWER's links to a doctrinaire organization called the Workers World Party (WWP), which has a history of seeking to dominate coalitions and many embarrassing ultra-hardline positions.

Steve Ault, a gay activist in New York City since 1970, served as UFPJ's logistics coordinator for the historic pre-war mobilization on Feb. 15, 2003; last summer's Republican National Convention protests; and the May 1 march for nuclear disarmament this past spring. He charges that ANSWER is a front group for the WWP. Speaking as an individual-not on behalf of UFPJ-he decries what he sees as an imbalance between the two major antiwar formations: 'One small sectarian group has equal power with a genuine coalition. We aren't going to be able to have a real movement until they are called out on the carpet for it.'

For 20 years, Ault says he has witnessed WWP use 'stacking meetings and undemocratic tactics' to control left coalitions. 'When Workers World forms a so-called coalition, it's not a coalition at all; it's a vehicle to attempt to amplify their power and control. It's not a genuine coalition like UFPJ which has no controlling faction-it UFPJ] has communists, Greens, pacifists, anarchists.'

History of Dissension International ANSWER formed after 9-11 around the core of the International Action Center (IAC), itself formed by Workers World. ANSWER's most visible spokespersons have almost invariably been longtime IAC/WWP adherents.

I say:

If the Cold War is over, why are these people still fighting it?

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