Economists against John Kerry
For those who believe in economists
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose key aspects of the economic
agenda that John Kerry has offered in his bid for the U.S. presidency...
John Kerry boasts that his economic policies will lead to the creation
of 10 million jobs in his first term as president. As Martin Sullivan
wrote last April in the strictly non-partisan Tax Notes, no one "has
presented any analysis to relate the Kerry plan to the creation of 1
million jobs, much less 10 million jobs." In fact, we believe Kerry's
proposals would, over time, inhibit capital formation, depress
productivity growth, and make the United States less competitive
internationally. The end result would be lower U.S. employment and
real wage growth...
All in all, John Kerry favors economic policies that, if implemented,
would lead to bigger and more intrusive government and a lower standard
of living for the American people.
I say:
I don't know from the economic theory mumbo jumbo. But if we don't
win the war against Islamist terror, we won't have an economy to worry
Oh, and could we please drill in the ANWR and reduce our dependence on
foreign oil? Thank you very much.
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