Unapologetically bourgeois. Proudly intolerant of idiocy.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

ACORN voter registration shenanigans in Florida, too

Gotta watch these guys


Hundreds of Republican voters have been disenfranchised in Florida
as part of a Democrats-only voter registration drive sponsored by a
national civil rights group, according to new allegations that are at
the center of an investigation by the state's Election Division and the
U.S. Justice Department.

A field director for ACORN, one of the many pro-Democratic Party
organizations trying to register new voters in the state, has told
investigators that efforts to rig votes for the 2004 election were
"routine," according to the newspaper Florida Today.

"There was a lot of fraud committed," said Mac Stuart, former Miami-Dade
field director for ACORN. Among his allegations: that ACORN "quality
control" workers routinely kicked back Republican voter registrations
while paying for Democratic ones, using the excuse that "they had
enough" new voters for the GOP. Stuart said the "boxes" of Republican
voter registration cards were tossed while "thousands of invalid voter
registration cards" were submitted in their place.

The former ACORN director said his group "eagerly sought" to register
convicted felons, even though they're not allowed to vote under Florida
law. He recalled setting up registration tables outside the Miami police
department and Dade County jail.

I say:

There's some talk of pro-Republican fraud in Florida, too. But
you've probably already heard if that. Here's the other side of the
equation to help complete the picture.

(Speaking of giving criminals the vote, how about that "global test"
idea of Kerry's?)

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